Please just email me this information with the title "Trainer" and I will get a starting Naisuk to you.
Name: (your name, whatever name you would like me to use or even your name
on the board)
Email Address: (don't worry, I won't use this other than to contact you about
Naisuk stuff)
Web site: (to put your Naisuk up on a web page)
Colors: (choose three colors; your cub may have all or one of these colors)
After this is done, I will catch a Naisuk from the cubs scuttling around on the farm and one will be sent to you as your "starting" Naisuk. This is when you update your web site to reflect your new Naisuk with it's image and statistics. After doing this, please email me with the URL to your Naisuk and the name you are giving him/her.
Next, go to the board and please post a reply to your member's post at the Battlefield after your Eorlan information with your Naisuk information. The quox that you have already can be used for Naisuk stuff as well, so there is not reason to keep track of two different sets of quox. You will gain 50q for joining Nai's Glory.
If you are a new member, follow example form other people, that is the easiest way to learn and to post on the forum if you are confused, there are many nice people there that are willing to help you out! :)
Now on to the good stuff... First, email me with the title "Trainer" with the following information:
Name: (your name, whatever name you would like me to use or even your name
on the board)
Email Address: (don't worry, I won't use this other than to contact you about
Naisuk stuff)
Web site: (to put your Naisuk up on a web page)
Colors: (choose three colors; your cub may have all or one of these colors)
After this is done, I will catch a Naisuk from the cubs scuttling around on the farm and one will be sent to you as your "starting" Naisuk. This is when you update your web site to reflect your new Naisuk with it's image and statistics. After doing this, please email me with the URL to your Naisuk and the name you are giving him/her. Next, go to the board and set up a trainer's account post under the Member boards.
In your new post, include all the information suggested in the instruction post. You need to have your name, email, current quox, and any items you have. If you are just starting out, you will start with 100q and no items. You will have your one Naisuk cub to list.
As you gain more items and gain/lose quox, you need to update your member post to reflect the Naisuk things you have. Official records are kept by me, this post is more or less just for you to keep in case something happens to my records and we don't match.
With your items and quox, you are free to trade and gift these things to other players. Basically, anything that is up in Eorl's Honor is true with Nai's Glory.
Now that we are done with the Basics, the Advanced Section is next. :) Any
questions or comments should be directed to the Instruction and Training forum
on the board or contact me (via email:
or AIM: Bright Promise).
Good Luck! :)
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.