Make sure you've read all previous sections in the Basic category and any other information you were directed to at Eorl's Honor!
If you've read about Basic Battle at any of the affiliates, you can skip this section because Basic Battle is the same for all affiliates.
Battling is the best way to help your Naisuk grow more powerful and to gain experience. After a few months of battling, Stat Awards will be given that can improve your Naisuk's Life Points and Stats (like Strength, Speed, Intelligence and Defense). When Stat Awards are ready to be awarded, a post will be made in the Nai's Glory Updates forum.
The two different kind of point values are Life Points and Experience Points.
Life Points are to be added to your Naisuk's current Life Point value.
Experience Points are a little more tricky! These can be divided up in groups of 5 or 10 to be added to your base stats (Strength, Speed, Intelligence and Defense). Experience Points can not be divided into groups less than 5 and no more than 10 Experience Points can be assigned to a specific base stat. As an example, if your Naisuk was awarded 15 Experience Points, he could put 10 into Intelligence and 5 into Defense, or 5 into Strength, 5 into Speed and 5 into Defense.
Battles occur on the Battlefield and are issued by the challenger. You can start one by creating a new topic with this sort of convention: "Battle: [Your Naisuk's name] vs ??". That lets other trainers know that your Naisuk is ready for a battle.
If you would like to make a quox or item wager, you need to offer that in your first post.
You can also offer prizes to people that challenge you with the requisite that they beat you, such as "I will award 20q to you if you can beat me".
Don't forget to post your stats in your first post. If you don't post this, trainers have no idea what they are up against. Something like this is sufficient:
Life Points: 100
Strength: 30 (every 3 turns, my Defense drops 10% of original; I may only
use three damaging attacks in a row before I must rest or use a non-damaging
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 30
Cunning: 35 (every 5 turns I may attack twice in one turn)
Defense: 20
Gnaw -- 30 Damage
Bellow -- lowers Defense of opponent by 10% of original value each time used
Whenever someone has accepted your challenge, remember to always update your topic title with the name of the opponent you are battling against.
You can also accept someone else's challenge. In order to do this, you make a reply to that person's challenge and state that you accept the challenge and any terms/wager/bets involved. You also must post your Naisuk's name,page address, and stat table (with explanations).
Once two creatures have agreed to battle, the one with the higher speed goes first. If the two creatures are equal in Speed, than the owner of the creature that issued the battle challenge must flip a coin. Heads, and the opponent goes first; tails and owner's own creature goes first. The creature that goes first must post its first attack/move (ex. "Ajeya uses Gnaw (30 Damage).") Then, it is the other creature's turn.
The other must first repost its stat table, with alterations for the damage. If Ajeya was fighting a Naisuk with Life Points: 100 and Defense: 30, then her Gnaw attack would do 30 Damage - opponent's Defense/2, or 30 - (30/2) = 30 - (15) = 15. Her attack would do 15 Damage. The other Naisuk would repost his stat table, and his Life Points would then be 85 (100-15).
After reposting his stat table, the opponent would also state his move/attack for his turn.
In battle, the creatures trade turns until one reaches Life Points: 0. You must remember, however, to apply the effects of your creature's Strength and Cunning. When battling Ajeya, her Strength (30) indicates that at the end of every 3rd turn, you would have to remember to lower her Defense by 2 points (10% of 20). Also, you must remember never to use damaging attacks more than three times in a row. Her Cunning (35) indicates that every 5th turn you would have to remember that you could attack twice.
Please only have your Naisuk fighting in one battle at a time (as it wouldn't make sense to be fighting two at once...). Also, please try to reply to posts as soon as you can, so the battles don't drag on for too long. To see an example battle, please visit the Battlefield and check out the Instruction and Training section. Also, feel free to watch other battles going on at the Battlefield.
Once you've gotten the hang of battling, it can be great fun! You can buy attacks and items to help your Naisuk grow and battle more effectively. Also, once your Naisuk has learned an element spell, it can learn elemental attacks and participate in elemental battles, which are discussed in the "Advanced" section of this site. Here are some important basic rules to remember when battling:
If you have questions or need help, please go to The Battlefield and post
in the Instruction and Training forum, or directly contact me (via email:
or AIM: Bright Promise).
Now that this is done, let's talk about getting started.
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.