ID#: ep044f
Name: Tabia
Clan of Eorl's Pride
Tribe of Swirling Magic
Deep Mint female, red eyes
Furry Ears
Stage 1.2
Additions: Furry Ears Mutation
Life Points: 125
Strength: 40
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 40
Defense: 40
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 01/26/03
Yes, yes. Glad to meet you all and all that jazz. I am the wonderful, amazing Tabia that I am sure you have all heard about. I have class, style and amazing good looks! Not to mention the talent one needs to have this day in age to get where they want to go.
Where I want to go? Well, I guess be a good battler. But my real dream is to be the prettiest pup out there! When I grow up, I will be the prettiest female in the Tribe and have all the boys want me. That's just the way it goes I suppose!
My common interest really lies with Ajeya. I can tell her anything and she will always agree with me.We love to collect pretty objects together, especially jewelry. I think she gets too obsessed with that sometimes, she should work on that coat of hers, but oh well. No one is perfect!
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.