ID#: eh44m
Name: Nikita
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Tribe of Swirling Magic
Green male with brown stripes, brown eyes
Fire Elemental
Stage 1.2
Additions: Back Spikes, Fire Breath Attack
Life Points: 155
Strength: 50
Speed: 50
Intelligence: 50
Cunning: 50
Defense: 59 (Base: 45 + 30% from Back Spikes)
Growl -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Fire Attacks:
Cinder Tornado -- 40 Damage
Fire Breath -- 50 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 05/30/03
Stat Awards:
(07/05/03) +5 Life Points, +5 Strength
(11/07/03) +5 Life Points, +10 Intelligence
(05/21/04) +10 Life Points, +5 Strength, +5 Speed
(01/31/05) +25 Life Points, +10 Speed, +15 Intelligence, +5 Defense
ID#: eh44m
Name: Nikita
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green male with brown stripes, brown eyes
Fire Elemental
Stage: 1.1
Additions: Element of Fire
Life Points: 110
Strength: 40
Speed: 35
Intelligence: 25
Cunning: 30
Defense: 40
Growl -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Fire Attacks:
Cinder Tornado -- 40 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 04/20/03
Stat Awards:
(05/01/03) +5 Life Points, +10 Speed
ID#: eh44m
Name: Nikita
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green male with brown stripes, brown eyes
Stage 1.0
Life Points: 105
Strength: 40
Speed: 25
Intelligence: 25
Cunning: 25
Defense: 40
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Notes: Horn allows him to use a Gouge attack, should you find/buy the attack
Sold at: EIMP -- 25gp
Stat Awards:
(02/22/03) +5 Life Points, +10 Speed
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.