ID#: ep048f
Name: Nericcia
Clan of Eorl's Pride
Tribe of Swirling Magic
Starlight female, purple eyes
Blue Stockings, Steel Wrist Blades
Steel Elemental
Stage 1.3
Life Points: 135
Strength: 50
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 45
Cunning: 43
Defense: 44 (Base: 40 + 10% from Steel Neck Fin)
Growl -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Illusion -- on turn of use, user asks opponent to pick heads or tails, then
flips coin. If the opponent chooses correctly, nothing happens, but if the
opponent is wrong, their Eorlan's next attack misses.
Steel Attacks:
Metal Slash -- 40 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 12/14/04
Notes: Steel Wrist Blades allow Nericcia to use Slash if she would happen
to buy/find the attack.
Stat Awards:
(01/31/05) +25 Life Points, +10 Strength, +10 Intelligence, +10 Defense
ID#: ep048f
Name: Nericcia
Clan of Eorl's Pride
Tribe of Swirling Magic
Starlight female, purple eyes
Blue Stockings
Steel Elemental
Stage: 1.2
Additions: Element of Steel, Magic Cape
Life Points: 110
Strength: 40
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 38
Defense: 33 (Base: 30 + 10% from Steel Neck Fin)
Growl -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Illusion -- on turn of use, user asks opponent to pick heads or tails, then
flips coin. If the opponent chooses correctly, nothing happens, but if the
opponent is wrong, their Eorlan's next attack misses.
Steel Attacks:
Metal Slash -- 40 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 05/30/03
Notes: Nericcia was not strong enough to learn Pins and Needles or Steel Grip.
She developed a Steel Neck Fin that augments her Defense. Magic Cape gives
Nericcia the power to create brief, small illusions. The Illusion attack will
change as she grows, and she may gain more abilities as she grows older.
Stat Awards:
(11/07/03) +5 Life Points, +5 Strength
(05/21/04) +5 Life Points, +5 Strength
ID#: ep048f
Name: Nericcia
Clan of Eorl's Pride
Starlight with midnight blue eyes; color unique to Eorl's Pride - rare.
Additions: eye color change, pattern addition (stockings)
Life Points: 100
Strength: 30
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 38
Defense: 30
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 5/13/03
ID#: ep048f
Name: Nericcia
Clan of Eorl's Pride
Starlight with midnight blue eyes; color unique to Eorl's Pride - rare.
Life Points: 100
Strength: 30
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 38
Defense: 30
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Sold at DSM -- 40c
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.