ID#: dw0011f
Name: Jayanti
Pack of Diar's Wrath
Purple Female with Red Painted Markings and Gold Eyes
White Stripes, Leg Bracers, High Kick
Additions: Tail Spines, Tail Whack, Custom Purple Double Horns, Foot Claws
Stage 1.2
Life Points: 105
Strength: 35
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 33
Defense: 48 (Base 40 + 20% from Leg Bracers)
Yell -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original stat each time used
Lunge -- 30 Damage
High Kick -- 40 Damage (augmented by Foot Claws)
Tail Whack -- 55 Damage (augmented by Tail Spines)
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 04/11/05
Notes: There /are/ actually two horns there... >.>
ID#: dw0011f
Name: Jayanti
Pack of Diar's Wrath
Purple Female with Red Painted Markings and Gold Eyes
Stage 1.1
Additions: White Stripes Marking, Leg Bracers, High Kick
Life Points: 105
Strength: 35
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 33
Defense: 48 (Base 40 + 20% from Leg Bracers)
Yell -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original stat each time used
Lunge -- 30 Damage
High Kick -- 35 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 02/26/05
Stat Awards:
(4/9/05) +5 Life Points, +5 Speed, +5 Intelligence
ID#: dw0011f
Name: Jayanti
Pack of Diar's Wrath
Purple Female with Red Painted Markings and Gold Eyes
Stage 1.0
Life Points: 100
Strength: 35
Speed: 25
Intelligence: 30
Cunning: 28
Defense: 40
Yell -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original stat each time used
Lunge -- 30 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Drawn: 01/27/05
Notes: The red markings are paint. The some Diar are fond of painting themselves.
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.