ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Tribe of Swirling Magic
Green female with blue striping, navy eyes
Silver Horn, Silver Claws, Back Spikes, Neck Collar, Furry Tail, Thick Coat
Starlight Elemental
Stage 2.2
Additions: Comet Slash Attack, Meteor Shower Attack, Starshine Attack, Mysterious
Spell Bag, Gouge Attack
Life Points: 205
Strength: 75
Speed: 60
Intelligence: 65
Cunning: 63
Defense: 102 (Base: 70 + 30% from Back Spikes + 5% from Neck Collar + 10%
from Thick Coat)
Growl -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Scratch -- 40 Damage (augmented by Claws)
Bite -- 50 Damage
Charge -- 60 Damage; damage to self inflicted each time used (10% of original
Life Point value)
Gouge -- 60 Damage
Starlight Attacks:
Star Toss -- 40 Damage
Comet Slash -- 50 Damage (augmented by Claws)
Meteor Shower -- 50 Damage; does 20 Damage on the following turn and 10 Damage
on the turn after that; rules regarding number of turns in a row for damaging
attacks do not apply tot he afterefects of this move
Starshine -- opponent's next attack misses
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 05/30/03
Notes: Adonia was not strong enough to learn Headslam. Mysterious Spell Bag
mutated Adonia's ears and caused her Horn to become charged with Starlight
energy. In the future, Adonia may learn to direct this energy.
Stat Awards:
(07/05/03) +5 Life Points, +5 Speed
(11/07/03) +5 Life Points, +10 Defense
(05/21/04) +5 Life Points, +5 Intelligence
(01/31/05) +20 Life Points, +10 Strength, +5 Intelligence, +10 Defense
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping, navy eyes
Silver Horn, Silver Claws, Back Spikes, Neck Collar, Furry Tail, Thick Coat
Starlight Elemental
Stage 2.1
Life Points: 170
Strength: 65
Speed: 55
Intelligence: 55
Cunning: 55
Defense: 73 (Base: 50 + 30% from Back Spikes + 5% from Neck Collar + 10% from
Thick Coat)
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Scratch -- 40 Damage (augmented by claws)
Starlight Attacks:
Star Toss -- 40 Damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 04/18/03
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping, navy eyes
Silver horn, silver claws, deep blue back spikes, neck collar, furry tail,
thick coat
Stage 2.0
Life Points: 170
Strength: 65
Speed: 55
Intelligence: 55
Cunning: 55
Defense: 73 (Base: 50 + 30% from Back Spikes + 5% from Neck Collar + 10% from
Thick Coat)
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 40 damage (augmented by claws)
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 02/22/03
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping, navy eyes
Silver horn, silver claws, deep blue back spikes, neck collar, furry tail,
thick coat
Stage 1.5
Additions: Thick Coat
Life Points: 120
Strength: 45
Speed: 35
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 35
Defense: 44 (Base: 30 + 30% from Back Spikes + 5% from Neck Collar + 10% from
Thick Coat)
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 40 damage (augmented by claws)
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 02/22/03
Stat Awards:
(02/22/03) +10 Life Points, + 5 Strength
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping, navy eyes
Silver horn, silver claws, deep blue back spikes, neck collar
Stage 1.4
Additions: Tail Mutation
Life Points: 110
Strength: 40
Speed: 35
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 35
Defense: 41 (Base: 30 + 30% from back spikes + 5% from neck collar)
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 40 damage (augmented by claws)
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 01/26/03
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping on ears, back and tail; navy eyes, silver
horn, silver claws, deep blue back spikes
Stage 1.3
Additions: Neck Collar
Life Points: 110
Strength: 40
Speed: 35
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 35
Defense: 41 (Base: 30 + 30% from back spikes + 5% from neck collar)
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 40 damage (aumented by claws)
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 12/08/02
Stat Awards:
(01/07/03) +10 Life Points, +10 Defense, +5 Speed
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping on ears, back and tail; navy eyes, silver
Stage 1.2
Additions: silver claws, back spikes
Life Points: 100
Strength: 40
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 35
Cunning: 33
Defense: 26 (Base: 20 + 30% from back spikes)
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 40 damage (aumented by claws)
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 11/02/02
Notes: That encounter with the Elder also raised her intelligence. Congrats!
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping on ears, back and tail; navy eyes
Stage 1.1
Additions: Silver horn
Life Points: 100
Strength: 40
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 30
Cunning: 30
Defense: 20
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 35 damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Redrawn: 10/28/02
Notes: Horn gives her the ability to use Gouge (should she buy/find the attack)
ID#: eh03f
Name: Adonia
Clan of Eorl's Honor
Green female with blue striping on ears, back and tail; navy eyes
Life Points: 100
Strength: 40
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 30
Cunning: 30
Defense: 20
Growl -- lowers opponent's defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 damage
Scratch -- 35 damage
Owner: Bright Promise
Sold at: EIMP -- 25gp
Page Last Modified on March 12, 2012
Naisuk and Nai's Glory ©2004-2025
Bright Promise.
Battle System ©2002-2025 Rachel "Indyana" Gratis
at Eorl's Honor.